Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Have you ever gone somewhere and maybe needed to borrow a family members car? I did, today actually. I REALLY needed to get my tires changed before the upcoming winter season. we have had a few small snow falls so far, but nothing has really stayed.The only thing is that it is starting to get chilly and there's no sign of +10 degree weather anytime soon! So I knew it was time, and Mathew also just put me on his STELLAR Union benefits plan(I haven't had an eye exam in 2 years and the plan covers it!). So I set off to my parents house since my dad has my winter tires lovingly stored for me and I set off to the eye doctor. I was so pleased to hear that there was only a slight difference in my eye sight and my stronger eye was catching up to my weaker eye! They took these super cool photos of the INSIDE of my eye, hello how cool is that? 

I love being called Miss, since I'm not married it makes me feel like a saint. 

Once all was said and done, and I had my new prescription I moseyed along to my parents van, I mean it is not one of the nice mini vans that have DVD players in the head rest, it is a mean old CUBE safari mini van being held together with DUCT TAPE! I climbed on into the beast, popped the key in the ignition, and nope it would not turn. I tried every little trick i could think of, turning the key backwards, locking my seat belt, locked the door, unlocked the door, locked the steering wheel and so on. NOTHING worked! Finally as I was about to walk across the city it turned on. I was crying by this point, I had called my father on his cell phone, home phone, called my grandparents, and finally left my father a nasty text since it was -4 degrees outside and snowing! 

Once I got back to my parents house the mail man had delivered a package to them that had my name on it, sometimes if I know there will be duties of sent my courier I will get it sent to my parents house to sign off on, as my last name is not on the intercom at our condo and I usually need to drive about 30 minutes to go pick packages up! 

Mathews phone has been dieing quickly at work and with the cold weather coming the batteries will be draining quicker so I bought him this little guy which is an external battery source! I bought this an 3 colored charging cords from Ever Buying. This site is AWESOME, if you do not mind having Apple phone charger knock offs. I was reading the back and it says Abble instead of Apple (the cords are longer which is awesome) 

I will be leaving you with some super cute kitty love. 

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